The archaeology of a story

“The seeds of narrative dynamism are there, ready in the narrative elements, but it requires talented narrators to hit upon and make use of them.” Max Luthi, ‘The Fairytale as art form and portrait of man’
The archaeology of a story – a masterclass with Sally Pomme Clayton
Saturday 26 October and Sunday 27 October 2024, 10.30 – 4.30pm
The Community Room, West Norwood Picture House and Library, London SE27
This playful and practical masterclass workshop is for storytellers with some experience – it is not a beginners workshop. Storytellers are asked to bring a traditional story they want to work on, develop and explore. Over the weekend Pomme will take the group through a series of creative approaches and processes that she uses to work on a story and make it her own. Pomme has distilled her long practise as a performance storyteller into ’24 Story Seeds’ elements that range from genre to rhythm, structure to sound, dialogue to character. We will explore some of these potentials, using: writing; telling; improvisation; visualisation; movement; drawing; sound; discussion and sharing. You will break your story open, dig around in it, discover some of its treasures, and work on many small parts of it. You will not have finished this work by the end of the weekend, and will not have a complete story when you leave! But you will have some approaches and processes you can apply to the whole story in your own time.
Places on the workshop are limited and by application. Pomme wants to create a balanced group of both participants and stories, so application to the workshop is through a short email questionnaire. If you are interested in attending the workshop please email Pomme and she will let you know what you need to do to apply.
Cost: £150.00
A 50% non-refundable deposit is payable on acceptance to the workshop.