Mythic Imagination

The imagination is boundless – find creative flow, connect with the wealth of images inside you.
Mythic Imagination – a six week creative writing course
Thursdays 6.00 pm – 7.30pm – March 13; March 20; March 27; April 3; April 10; April 17 2025
South London Theatre, 2A Norwood High Street, West Norwood, London SE27 9NS
TICKETS and more info
Over six weeks we will explore some of the vivid and lasting images found in fairytales, myths and legends and use them as starting points for our own creative writing. Pomme will guide you through playful and creative tasks and guided prompts. Each session will draw on a variety of sources to inspire your creativity: images in myths; fairytale settings and characters; your surroundings; local legends and folklore; nature; family stories; dreams; associations and observations; the senses; cultural and social history; structural patterns in fairytales and myths, and memories you feel safe to explore. Pomme will share snippets of work from writers who use fairytales and myths, such as Angela Carter, Jeanette Winterson, Madeline Miller, Carol Anne Duffy and Marina Warner. If you feel like it you can share fragments of writing as we go along – but you do not have to. Towards the end of the course you can choose to work on developing a piece of writing. Fairytales and myths connect us to an archetypal imagination that is vaster than we know and can deeply enrich our writing. Sally Pomme Clayton has been working with myths and fairytales for more than 30 years and her inspiring writing processes, based on mythic imagery, explore ways of accessing your imagination, connecting with your creativity and discovering images you already have inside you! The imagination can be a place of well-being, meaning, hope and mystery.
This course is open to all adults who would like to explore creative writing. The course will be supportive, enabling, thoughtful and focused. The sessions will help you explore fairytales and myths and become more confident in finding ways to use ideas from them in your stories and poems. This course will not critique your writing or give any detailed feedback on your work. Bring your favourite notebook and pen, or your laptop. And bring a flask of tea if you would like to sip a hot drink while you write.
Mythic Imagination is a series of themed creative writing workshops led by Pomme using writing as a tool to explore the endless possibility of the imagination. The next set of six will be held later in the year and will explore the theme of life-writing, diaries and journals. If you would like to join Pomme’s mailing list to hear about the next course please email: sallypommeclayton@hotmail.com
Mythic Imagination grew out of series of online workshops that Pomme created and led during the pandemic.
‘Really loved the workshops and was completely nourished and inspired by them.’
‘Thank you again for such an expertly led session – my pen was flying over the notebook for a good hour afterwards stringing all the different thoughts together.’
‘Your sessions were so inspiring.’
‘It was magnificent, particularly the way that we wrote through prompts and perception, joining together all the pieces, letting the unconscious speak.’